Friday, July 30, 2010

Queries of the Curious

Hello all. I am working to bring a queries section where I answer and explain away about my intentions concerning Legend of Logan's Kin. This bit will start it off.

Why a western-type of X-Men story?

Well, why not? *glares at computer*
I am quite smitten with this era, when America was very much a new country. But being that Rogue was from Mississippi, I couldn't just write her in Arizona and expect Remy to suddenly find her out West. No, not when the goal was to get her to Massachusetts where Xavier is. Therefore, the story is set in the latter 1870s and focuses primarily in the East. That makes the storyline much more believable and easier on me. But that doesn't make it any less romantic, right? :D Anyway, that's why its a western-type of story, not a western. I know; that makes me sad too.

Why 1877?

Because the Civil War is overrated! Er, I mean, it IS a very big part of U.S. history with the North winning and Lincoln's assassination and all, but in a way, it is also a period that is constantly, tirelessly revisited. Well, this author didn't want to base her story on the Civil War. Seriously, which side would each mutant choose? Besides, the period after the Civil War greatly tested racial tensions within the States, so why not throw mutants in the mix? Let's just make this a story of prejudice sentiments! Or...not.

Ororo's not a slave-to-be-freed! Uh, why?

I do not intend to write Ororo in as a slave or maid or anything involving servitude. Though it would work, being African-American and all, I don't really see her in that situation. She'd run away faster than you could think. I find her more like Harriet Tubman helping out with the Underground Railroad! That badass, for, uh, the nineteenth century.

Why X-Men Evolution?

Well, I'll tell you, it wasn't that hard of a decision, really. I liked the show when it aired, oh, I don't know, ten years ago. It featured the mutants as teenagers and Rogue as a goth. And I never knew Shadowcat and Nightcrawler were ever mutants until I saw that show. Nightcrawler became a favorite of many viewers overnight, and Jean Grey did not. So there I was, ten years younger, feeling that I needed to put my two-cents online and write Gambit into the story. What's X-Men without a Gambit? (The X-Men Movies, that's what.) That was Evolution's hey-day, a time you could write a Romy and twenty people would review your story. At once. Yes, that was a glorious thing, and it's haunted me since.

But being that there are more than 13,000 fanfiction stories on Evolution alone, you would think the creators would continue the show. That's not gonna happen now. There will never be another Evolution crowd quite like this one. But the impact of its characters has followed me into this story. I wanted to write a more serious piece involving Romy and many (if not all) the Evo characters. Wow, I thought, wouldn't THAT be a story worth reading?! Of course, I intended to take my sweet time writing it because it would probably be the last Evo fiction I write. And here I am, four years later, documenting my progress/inspiration in a blog, fifteen chapters to boot. Go figure.

I do admit my writing has gotten better the older I've gotten. But there's hardly an audience out there anymore, let alone one that would entertain a western-kinda story like mine. Sometimes I think about what this story could have been in those fanfiction Evo glory days. It's hard to say about then, but I like the audience I've got now. It's good to write to people who like your work and are willing to tell you too.

I've been around since 6/25/01 (or so my profile reveals), and have only written for Evo (which might change. I'm debating). I've got to say, the Evo fanfiction crowd isn't a heartless one. There are critics, even those who are willing to bash some characters to death, but never once have I been flamed. So, here I am, still writing, still thinking up ways to get Rogue and Remy into the wrong situations and make them right. That's half the fun. The other half is taking others along for the ride.

Character analysis to come! And some fiction inspiration that has influenced the way I write and how this story is told.



I am feeling artistic.

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