Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Idaho and Back...

My friend from college was throwing a shindig up in Sandpoint, ID, and a few of my friends and I braved bumpy airplane rides and long car drives to make it. Now, you might be wondering what the Northwest is doing in this mainly Eastern tale, and I don't know what to tell you except that I was more than blown away with what I was seeing. This is what America is, people. And I couldn't resist taking a few pictures to prove it.
We stayed in Schweitzer Mountain Resort, a faux-cabin that thrives on its snowy mountains perfect for skiing and sledding. But we arrived in its off-season, lush and snow-free, brimming with tall, skinny trees covering every mountain completely. Here's a picture of that view, hiking up a horse trail.
Yes, this was taken on top of a horse, which was not so very comfortable or easy while holding unto the reins for dear life.
As a city girl, I had hoped I would get this horse for its colors. They called it Moon. And I was so excited to climb on top, but Moon had a mind of his own. He was not pushy--trained to follow the horse in front--not aggressive at all. The other thing was he liked to trot fast and that hurt a lot. I am still sore, and it's been two days.

My friends in their L.A. tube tops. An afternoon with these horses proved why we belonged in the city.

This was taken in the Mojo Cafe on the main lot. Apparently, Northern Idaho is not known for potatoes as they are with huckleberries. Add some rum, and you're good to go!

The bride had vases of all shapes and sizes as give aways. I immediately thought of Jubilation's apothecary jars.

Lake Ponderay

I wish you could have seen these forests in all their glory. So thick and lush, worthy of hiding the likes of Belladonna in them.

Taken from the plane on the way back to Boise. And one with just the right angle, the sunlight slit through the clouds...

Some nature inspiration to spurn more imagination for this story...now that I'm back, I'll be writing again soon! Stay tuned!

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